Wednesday, May 29, 2013


When you wish to seek solace,
leave behind the concrete jungle of worldly pleasures,
step down and come closer to the marvels of mother Earth.

Once you retreat to the charms of nature,
the sparkling blue waters and lush green meadows,
there will come a moment,
when you will live the ultimate miracle.

For just a few yards apart,
the son of the god will open his arms for you,
and you will see the path,
the bridge that takes you closer to him.

That magical moment is yours to embrace and cherish,
for it is the moment of your enlightenment, your solace.

- Parsooram

[Not exactly a poem with rhymes, but definitely what this pictures talks]

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Then You are on Fire !!

When you have a direction to pursue,
when you keep moving on relentlessly,

when you overcome every barrier in your path,
when you flex & flow no matter what,

when you are impossible to stop,
then you have a fire of passion in your belly,

then the spark of your dream has done its deed,
then no matter how cool you seem to the world,
the truth is, you are on fire !!

- Parsooram

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The light

Look at me with faith,
and beyond my sufferings, you will find,
a light from the almighty and the kind,
to help you overcome the darkness around,
and cherish the happiness newly found.

- Parsooram

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A friendship brewing ..

I move to a new place, I meet new people.
Some of them, so transparent that you can almost see everything through them.
Others exotic and charming, and some others that make you talk when around.
And then, we work together, we study together, we say hi's and we say hello's.
We argue, we learn and we teach.
We travel, we eat and we drink "together".

Before I realize,
I see myself gradually losing my shield and lifting my veil,
opening my mind and revealing my true self.

When it is already a "we" and not many "I"s,
and when my special day is special to all,
when they greet and gift and pamper and spoil me and I spoil them,
they make me feel like a king - wearing a rich red robe, with a crown on head and all.

when sweetness of their gestures meets with freshness of all our stories,
with the bubbles of laughter we enjoy,
with cool times we treasure,
with intoxicating punches of happy moments we cherish,
with rich colors of our interactions,
and with mesmerizing flavors of our personalities,
I think of Sangria,
and I see a friendship brewing...

- Parsooram

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Paths and Choices

In the journey of life,
there comes a moment;
when we stumble on a place,
where choices appear endless.

Many paths to and fro,
many paths right and left,
some appear longer,
others just broader.

Each path offers its own light,
and has its own dark shadows.
Each path takes us places,
some to the beach & some to the meadows.

On such cross-roads,
We wonder where,
we wonder how,
we wonder why.

Well, no matter what we answer,
in our mind we are clear,
that any choice we make,
it just brings our home closer.

- Parsooram

Saturday, May 4, 2013

This path I have chosen ...

This path I have chosen,
has many steps,
many milestones,
many twists and many turns.

This path I have chosen,
elevates me and takes me higher,
with its every step.

This path I have chosen,
can be tiring at times,
but so much fun otherwise.

This path I have chosen,
will give me many companions,
some sharing my passion,
others cheering nonetheless.

This path I have chosen,
not all of it is known to me,
but I know this,
at every quarter-turn,
it will give new direction to my dreams.

This path I have chosen,
and this walk,
is what I live,
is what I will cherish,
is what I will do and talk,
all my life.

- Parsooram